On January 8th, 2024, a distressing incident unfolded at Blinkit’s Panchsheel Vihar outlet, as workers were abruptly notified of significant wage cuts. In response, the workers swiftly organised a meeting in collaboration with the App Karamchari Ekta Union (AKEU), affiliated with the All India Central Council of Trade Union (AICCTU). The purpose of the gathering was to strategise and protest against the arbitrary wage reductions that workers had grappled with since the previous year.
In a display of unity, the majority of workers quickly joined forces, effectively bringing operations at the warehouse to a standstill within a few hours. Despite facing subsequent abuse and threats from the management in an attempt to dismantle the strike and coerce workers back into their roles, the workers remained resolute in their determination to push forward with their collective efforts, demonstrating their unwavering spirit in the face of unjust labour practices.
Apoorva, the President of the AKEU, recalled that when the Blinkit workers reached out to the union, they immediately met with the workers. The riders from Blinkit Panchsheel Vihar protested against the rate cut, and the union stood with them, followed by the store manager intimidating the workers.
The situation at Blinkit’s Panchsheel Vihar outlet took a darker turn in the next few days, with one worker, Muneer, facing physical assault by bouncers, allegedly called by the management, while many union members faced verbal abuse from the management. This brutal incident unfolded after Muneer appealed to the store manager to reconsider the reduced rate card. Falsely accused of order snatching, Muneer was also subjected to violence by security guards. The management also called the police to threaten the workers.
To intensify efforts to break the strike, a store manager filed a groundless complaint to the police against one of the workers to threaten the rest of them while also pressuring the union to back off. The workers and the union remained resilient despite this attempt to weaken their unity. Even when faced with unwarranted harassment and threats from the police, their collective resolve remained unshaken. In a distressing turn of events, Muneer, who stood firm in the face of adversity, was detained in a battered state by the police in Malviya Nagar Police Station on false charges. The union representatives reached the police station immediately with other union members and workers, which made the manager take the complaint back.
“One of the riders”, recalled Apporva, “was then beaten up by 7-8 bouncers and the store manager. They falsely accused him, and the Malviya Nagar police detained the worker, who was beaten up without hearing his side. The workers from the store immediately reached out to me, and then the union decided to protest outside the police station until they let the worker go”.
She added, “The union reached out to workers from Blinkit and Zepto, Begumpur, who readily joined the protest outside the police station. Around 50 workers gathered outside the police station, and the union decided to file a complaint against the store manager. Due to the counter-complaint and a spontaneous collective action outside the police station, the police were compelled to release the worker.”
This series of events highlights the challenges of gig work unionisation from their employers and the external pressures it endures from state machinery, showcasing their determination in the ongoing struggle for fair labour practices.
Akash, a trade unionist affiliated with the All India Central Council of Trade Union (AICCTU), vividly recounts the gravity of the day when he stood in solidarity with the workers during this strike and the ensuing conflict with the management. Workers and unionists were united in a determined protest in front of the police station, persisting for hours to exert pressure on both the police and management to secure the release of the workers who had been wrongfully detained. He recounts,
“The Blinkit workers struck work because the rates were arbitrarily slashed from Rs. 15/- per delivery to RS. 12/- per delivery. Consequently, several workers quickly took union membership and continued the struggle. Workers were beaten up by bouncers and handed over to the police. The Blinkit workers mobilised workers in the nearby stores as well, and a strong presence outside the police station ensured that the workers were let off, though not before one of them was charged with illegal assembly.
The whole episode highlights, on the one hand, the sad plight of the workers and, on the other hand, their willingness to fight for their rights. It also shows how much influence these companies have with the local administration and the urgency of a strong union that can stand against the Company Raj. Our unionisation efforts in South Delhi certainly picked up momentum since our participation in the strike.”
Company’s Diktate on the Rise
In April 2023, Blinkit implemented a new payout structure for delivery workers. Under this revised system, the minimum payout per delivery was reduced to Rs 15 (USD 0.18). Previously, workers received a monthly salary, which was subsequently transitioned to a ‘per order’ payment of Rs 50, then further reduced to Rs 25, and eventually to Rs 15. This downward trajectory in remuneration has fuelled discontent among workers, leading to frequent protests.
The modified payout structure removed the incentive system based on the distance covered to fulfil the order, commonly referred to as ‘effort’-based pay. Blinkit delivery workers have consistently witnessed a significant wage reduction, with little regard for their financial struggles. The escalating dissatisfaction among workers, unable to meet their daily expenses, coupled with the proactive efforts of the App Karamchari Ekta Union (AKEU), resulted in a series of strikes and demonstrations against the company’s arbitrary policies throughout Delhi NCR in 2023. Since then, the union has been actively organising workers and conducting awareness campaigns to discuss the implications of the company’s actions for the future.
In a recurrent pattern aimed at reducing overall costs, Blinkit once again lowered the delivery rate to a meagre Rs 12 per delivery in January 2024. Notably, the company employed a strategic approach to avoid a repeat of last year’s organised resistance. Instead of implementing a uniform wage cut across all its stores simultaneously, the company opted for a phased reduction, introducing the cut in one store first and then, after some time, at another store, and so forth. This deliberate strategy aimed to fragment the workforce and keep the union on its toes, discouraging any cohesive, unified action.
A disciplinary mechanism characterised by force, intimidation, threats, and violence has emerged in response to the organising efforts led by the union. A worker who does not wish to be named revealed that whenever they advocate for their rightful wages, they face threats from the management calling on police involvement. He lamented, “We are simple people with families to look after. We don’t want to be entangled in police cases for the rest of our lives. We understand how the system works; nobody believes us, and nobody listens to us. But we are left with no other option now. With these wages, we can’t even cover our petrol expenses.”
Forging Unity
The union adeptly discerned the company’s systematic strategy to eliminate any room for collective action and promptly responded. Recognising the recurring pattern of pay cuts across multiple warehouses, the union seized this opportunity to further galvanise the workers. They initiated a widespread communication campaign, disseminating information across Blinkit outlets in Delhi NCR and alerting workers to the imminent threat of potential wage reductions and the oppressive practices of the management.
Through these efforts, the union successfully united the workers, who continued to join in substantial numbers.
For the last couple of years, the union has been on wheels along with the workers for consciousness building. They would travel with the workers, map their resting spots and indulge them whenever they were found waiting for the orders or returning from delivering them. The union members often sat around the warehouses the whole day, finding spaces between deliveries to talk to the workers. However, soon, they started getting into the eyes of the manager, who would then either verbally abuse the unionists or threaten them with security actions. To overcome this, the union came up with a small booklet that raised awareness about why the union is important and what demands the union has forwarded for the better livelihood of workers. Additionally, the union started supporting workers when police caught them over-speeding or jumping a red light to deliver the order in time. These efforts built trust and comradeship between the union and workers.
Faced with the looming possibility of losing their livelihoods, workers are putting their trust in the union, which has steadfastly stood by them since the previous year. The collective strength of the workers, fuelled by the union’s persistent advocacy, serves as a powerful rebuke to the company.
One of the workers who was part of the struggle throughout said, “The companies have been cutting our rates and incentives continuously. We have to work 14-15 hours every day to ensure food in our homes. We do not have access to any washroom facility, and there is no concept of a lunch break. The rate cuts have been brutal, and working under these circumstances has become extremely difficult. We have no other option but to unionise and demand the union government give us basic rights to any kind of minimum wage and social security. The companies leave us with no option but to protest”.
Not only did the union successfully unite a significant number of Blinkit workers despite the company’s divisive tactics, but it also achieved a significant milestone by forming a collective front. For the first time, delivery workers from Zomato and Swiggy joined forces, staging protests and demonstrations at various locations alongside Blinkit workers. Their unified demands included increased payment, social security measures, and a collective outcry against the brutalities inflicted by both police and management.
In response to Blinkit’s recurrent tactics of systematically reducing the per-order rate for riders and employing various strategies to coerce workers into compliance with the company’s exploitative regime, the union has resolved to escalate its efforts. The union plans to launch a larger agitation against the pervasive exploitative attitudes exhibited by all companies toward their delivery workers in the coming times. This marks a significant step in the ongoing struggle for fair wages, workers’ rights, and improved working conditions within the gig economy.
Another worker expressed a sense of empowerment after joining the union: “Since we have joined the union, we have become direct and bold with our demands. We are not scared of the managers. We are no longer alone in this. The union stands beside us, and we are ready to have bigger fights with the app companies. Because of the union, we got to know our fundamental rights, and we will take all means possible until our demands are met.”
The union kick-started a protracted struggle, anticipated to be a long-term battle, by initiating a Twitter storm on January 13th, 2024. Within hours, the hashtag #justiceforblinkitworkers gained significant traction, becoming a trending topic in India. The union strategically exerted pressure by consistently tagging and urging Deepinder Goyal, the company owner, to respond and take responsibility for the continuous exploitation and harassment faced by workers over the past year and beyond. Ironically, Goyal describes himself as a “delivery boy” in his Twitter bio, adding a layer of mockery to the plight of the workers.
The union also organised a General Body Meeting on March 5th, 2024, at Shakarpur, Delhi, attended by riders working for Swiggy, Blinkit, and Instamart, among other companies, from all parts of Delhi. The meeting was held after months of awareness campaigns and membership drives across Delhi. The meeting ended with the reiteration of demands and the election of the union council. The new council declared that the fight against the exploitation of workers will go on till the demands are met! The union put forward the following demands:
1. All App employees should be declared as permanent employees. The Union and state governments should make the necessary laws in this regard.
2. All App employees should have an 8-hour workday and a minimum monthly wage of Rs. 26,000.
3. All companies should pay a minimum bonus of 20 per cent.
4. All App employees should have social security benefits: P.F. and E.S.I. They should also be paid a dearness allowance in accordance with the inflation in petrol and fuel prices.
5. Compensation of Rs. 50 lakhs should be paid in case of injuries and Rs. 1 crore in case of death of App employees.
6. The App companies must immediately stop illegal retrenchments.
The recent events have raised concerns about workers’ rights and their lawful pursuit of fair compensation. The union remains steadfast in its dedication to ongoing advocacy for the legitimate rights of workers confronting wage reductions. Moreover, it has been putting forth methods of active litigation and complaints to register the plight of gig workers. On April 27th, a team of delegates from the union submitted a memorandum to the Union Labour Minister, bringing to light the exploitation of workers happening in Blinkit, along with demanding permanent status for all app workers, the fixed-wage of Rs 26,000 per month, among other demands. In July, when Delhi drowned in continuous rain, workers were forced to risk their lives to carry the work forward. The union wrote a letter to the Delhi government demanding risk allowance for all app workers.
Acknowledging the increasing exploitation and abusive nature exhibited by the company and recognising the broader exploitative nature of gig work underscores the urgent need to address these systemic concerns. The union reiterates its staunch stand against any endeavours aimed at stifling workers lawfully asserting their constitutional rights. It pledges unwavering and relentless efforts to seek justice and fair treatment for all workers, emphasising the importance of upholding constitutional guarantees in the face of exploitative practices inherent in the gig economy. The commitment of AKEU reflects a collective determination to resist unjust conditions, challenge the exploitative nature of gig work, and strive towards a fair and equitable working environment that prioritises the rights and well-being of all workers.